Scenarios of a potential Israeli attack on Iran – usually without Washington’s assent – abound in leading US media in the last 24 hours. They contrast sharply with the impression Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been trying to convey to the public that he and President Barack Obama were of one mind on the Iranian question when they talked at the White House last Tuesday, March 23, but  the president wanted more Israeli concessions to get talks restarted with the Palestinians.
debkafile‘s military sources point in particular to the work of two eminent experts on Iran’s nuclear program, Anthony Cordesman and American-Jordanian Abdullah Toqan for the Washington Institute for Strategic Affairs, who report the belief in some American military circles that “…nuclear weapons are the only weapons that can destroy targets deep underground or in tunnels…”
The quote was embodied in a 208-page report published Friday, March 26 under the heading: Options in Dealing with Iran’s Nuclear Program.